Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Meaning of Life for Men by Jordan Peterson

This is technically Day 3 of the One TED Talk a Day initiative. I started this on  27th July 2018 and today is 29th July 2018.

The series in which the blogs have been published is a littled messed up but this will be on track from tomorrow.

Jordan Peterson is an incredibly knowledgable professor to follow if you have slightest of the flair for human psychology based topics. His lectures can easily be found on Youtube and I haven't used any other platform as yet to follow his lectures and ideas.

In this talk he explains about the meaning of life for men. He argues that women in a way, either biologically or psychologically are created in such a way that they don't dwell so much on the meaning of life question as much as men.

He finishes his talk by saying that meaning of life for men is responsibility. They find / would find happiness to be responsible for accomplishing something they care about.

This sends me down the memory lane and makes me re-connect the ideas I have read so far about the meaning and purpose of life. I have internalized that essentially there is no such holy or eternal purpose of life that you have to hunt for and live. It is in the simple thought of being useful to yourself and for others that you find the meaning of being alive.

May be that is why a lot of people find ton of happiness and contentment in dedicating their lives towards helping others and that becomes their life mission a.k.a. purpose of life. If you think about it and try to connect this with Jordan's talk, they are taking the responsibility, in this case not just their own and of their family but of a lot more people and that makes them happy.

So, may be what Jordan is saying is right that meaning of life is in finding a responsibility that you deeply care about and then simply working towards it.

Although I would differ from his idea that this is true only for men. I believe this is true for every human being irrespective of their gender.